Strategic Studies Quarterly
Dr. Pano Yannakogeorgos, Founding Dean of the USAF Cyber College discusses cyber risks, vulnerabilities, and threats.
SSQ: Issues and Answers video interviews, First Edition: Dr. Xiaoming Zhang - Professor of Strategy, AWC Dr. Michael Kraig - Associate Professor of National Security Studies, ACSC discuss the challenges on the US-North Korean relationship.
Dr. Adam Lowther offers a fresh perspective on the upcoming Nuclear Posture Review.
Dr. Dawn Murphy from the Air War College explains the intricacies of the US-China relationship.
The Secretary of the Air Force, the Honorable Heather Wilson, highlights current national security issues facing the Air Force.
Dr. Mark Conversino, from the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, details Russia’s worldview and how it challenges US interests.
Dr. Everett Dolman presents his views on the challenges and opportunities offered by a proposed U.S. Space Force.
The Editor of Strategic Studies Quarterly, explains the goals of SSQ, and how the Journal impacts key leaders and decision makers at all levels. This introduction provides contact information, and explains how to receive a free copy of SSQ.

Strategic Studies Quarterly Latest Edition

Volume 14 Issue 3 - Fall 2020


  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) symbol

    Challenges to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Manseok Lee and Michael Nacht

    Are five specific challenges associated with contemporary international security decreasing the effectiveness of the NPT?

    Comment on Article


  • Photo of nuclear reactors

    Twenty-First-Century US Nuclear Power: A National Security Imperative

    David K. Gattie and Joshua N. K. Massey

    If America retreats from the civilian nuclear field, will revisionist powers become the global leaders in nuclear science in the twenty-first century—with adverse implications for US national security?     

    Comment on Article

  • SSQ initials on blue background

    Editor's Epilogue

    W. Michael Guillot, Editor

    Being the editor of a journal is never supposed to be a sentence, so I have elected to pardon myself and make way for a successor.   

    Comment on Article



  • Book cover of For Want of a Nail

    For Want of a Nail 

    by Amy Franceschini and Michael Swaine
    Reviewed by Lt Col Scott C. Martin, USAF

    This work takes an unusual approach, using physical art and design, to express the history and consequences of a pivotal event: the atomic detonation on 16 July 1945..

  • Book cover of Double Jeopardy

    Double Jeopardy: Combating Nuclear Terror and Climate Change

    by Daniel B. Poneman
    Reviewed by Lt Frederick Metzger, USAF 

    Double Jeopardy will, most importantly, spark conversations about taking decisive action to mitigate the effects of climate change and the dangers of nuclear proliferation. 

  • Book cover of Assured Destruction

    Assured Destruction: Building the Ballistic Missile Culture of the Air Force 

    by David W. Bath
    Reviewed by Dr. Heather Venable
    his work provides a solid introduction to ICBMs and differentiates itself from similar works by focusing on the fascinating challenges of operationalizing a new technology both in peacetime and in crisis while highlighting the Air Force’s changing relationship to the community’s personnel.

  • Book cover of Burn-In

    Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution

    by P. W. Singer and August Cole
    Reviewed by LTC Kirby “Bo” Dennis, USAF 

    In this novel, the authors vividly describe the methodical lurch toward a world where we grow comfortable outsourcing everyday life to AI—starting with the innocuous but eventually graduating to a level of dependence that portends danger.. 

  • Book cover of War in 140 Characters

    War in 140 Characters: How Social Media Is Reshaping Conflict in the Twenty-First Century 

    by David Patrikarakos
    Reviewed by Dr. John-Michael Arnold

    The author explores the premise that the new species of technologically empowered human, which he dubs “Homo Digitalis,” has harnessed social media during conflict and “irretrievably changed the way that wars are fought, reported on, and consumed.”





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