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Research Publications

Strategic Enablers: How Intercultural Communication Skills Advance Micro-Level International Security

Lauren Mackenzie, 2014
This article, published in the Journal of Culture, Language and International Security, argues that the knowledge and skills at the heart of the field of inter-cultural communication are a natural platform for advancing international security. First, an explanation is offered for why current Professional Military Education course offerings do not sufficiently address the pressing need our military has for improving the quality of inter-cultural communication. Next, an overview is provided of the specific communication skills that are research-proven predictors of cross-cultural competence. Finally, a framework is offered for institutionalizing intercultural communication into PME.

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Cross-cultural Communication Contributions to Professional Military Education: A Distance Learning Case Study

Lauren Mackenzie & Megan Wallace, 2013

This article describes the creation of virtual communities for Airmen enrolled in the "Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication" on-line course. Specifically, the chapter examines the function and consequences of wiki utilization throughout two iterations (n=232) of the course. The findings suggest that the wiki is a tool that improves the quality of on-line culture education for military personnel.

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A Model for Online Military Culture Education: Key Findings and Best Practices

Lauren Mackenzie, Patricia Fogarty, and Angelle Khachadoorian, 2013

This article outlines the course content, key findings, and best practices associated with these two AFCLC online culture courses. Sharing best practices has been cited by numerous scholars as an important strategy for knowledge transfer both within and across organizations. In an effort to contribute to the scholarship on best practices in distance learning and military culture education, we argue that the design and assessment processes adopted by the AFCLC can serve as a model for teaching culture online throughout the DoD.

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Distance Learning Designed for the U.S. Air Force

Lauren Mackenzie and Megan Wallace, 2012

The purpose of this descriptive study is to discuss the creation and implementation of a self-paced course designed to present military and academic course content in an engaging and interactive format. The paper reviews the "Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication" course piloted to 150 Air Force personnel in Spring 2011 and reveals the challenges and opportunities inherent to self-paced courses for student service members and instructors.

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The Communication of Respect as a Significant Dimension of Cross-Cultural Competence

Lauren Mackenzie and Megan Wallace, 2011

The purpose of this article is to provide a strong rationale for the importance of continued study devoted to the communication of respect and to suggest a framework for categorizing the culture-general dimensions of the communication of respect.

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Practical Guide to Negotiating in the Military

Stefan Eisen, 2011

This guide outlines and provides some frameworks for assessing and using five essential negotiating strategies tailored to the military environment. Each has its strengths and weaknesses.

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Anthropology for the (Military) Masses: a moral-practical argument for educational engagement

Brian Selmeski, 2008
Paper given at the American Anthropological Association (AAA) Meetings. San Francisco, CA. 22 Nov. 2008

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Military Cross-Cultural Competence: Core concepts and individual development

Brian Selmeski, 2007
AFCLC Contract Report 2007-01

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551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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